Posts Tagged ‘theme trouble’

Acquia-Prosper new theme made my site all grey!

March 10, 2010

OMG – I just had such a massive panic because I thought that I had lost the site appearance, all my css work. I thought it was somehow never going to work again.

I uploaded the updated acquia-prosper theme , which was fine. But the site went back to being grey colours and not all the colours I had chosen for it and spent DAYS adding into the css file. But it was ok coz I had a back up and I just uploaded the css file from before.

But then it didn’t work. Itwas still grey.

So I restarted the computer and swore at it and that didn’t work. Then I did it again and again and again and that didn’t work. And then I went into firebug for a look at it and I saw that my css file was being recognised but that it was being superseded by a new file called gray.css. So I went and had a look for this and in the updated theme there is a folder called design packs where there is a css file for gray and one for blue. And these are above the css file for the general theme.

I’m not going to use these as I have the look of my site all sorted so I just deleted the whole folder from my site. And now everything looks as it should do again – PHEW!